Sunday, February 20, 2011

All About Susu Kental Manis

Siapa yang tidak mengenal susu, sejak kecil anak-anak sudah diperkenalkan dengan susu, bahkan di Indonesia dikenal slogan “empat sehat lima sempurna” maksud lima sempurna tentu saja susu. Jenis-jenis susu yang tersedia di pasaran juga bermacam-macam, salah satunya adalah susu kental manis. Produk susu kental manis diperoleh dengan cara menghilangkan sebagian air melalui proses evaporasi (penguapan) sehingga diperoleh kepekatan tertentu. Karena tingginya kandungan gula, produk ini dapat digolongkan dengan masa kadaluarsa panjang sebab gula dapat mencegah pertumbuhan mikroba.
Susu memang minuman yang bermanfaat bagi tubuh, sebab mengandung bahan-bahan yang diperlukan tubuh. Seperti yang diutarakan oleh Ida Ruslita Amir, M. Kes dari Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia (PERSAGI) sebagai berikut :
"Susu kental manis mengandung banyak kalori karena jumlah kandungan gulanya banyak. Sebaiknya satu atau dua gelas saja per hari," kata pada acara peluncuran Susu Kental Manis Frisian Flag Gold di Jakarta (14/7).
Dalam takaran satu gelas susu kental manis, terdapat 130 kalori. "Susu kental manis sendiri lebih difungsikan sebagai pelengkap saja karena lebih banyak mengandung vitamin dan mineral, sementara kandungan proteinnya sangat sedikit," kata Ida.
Kandungan protein sendiri pada tubuh anak sangat penting, dan mempengaruhi pola minum susu. Apabila orang dewasa dapat minum susu kental manis sebanyak mungkin, tidak bagi anak-anak karena kebutuhan protein anak-anak sekitar 2 gram per kilogram berat badan sehingga perlu dicukupi dari makanan lain selain susu.
Products retail di Indonesia ini mengandung vitamin dan mineral misalnya fosfor, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, asam amino dan asam pantotenat. Disamping itu dikenal pula sebagai minuman penguat tulang dan gigi karena kandungan kalsium yang dimilikinya. Tentu kandungan nutrisi ini bermanfaat untuk menunjang kesehatan tubuh. Seberapa besar manfaat minum susu? Karena memiliki kandungan nutrisi tersebut, maka susu memiliki manfaat yang tidak sedikit, diantaranya:
•Mencegah os dan menjaga tulang tetap kuat. Bagi anak-anak, susu berfungsi untuk pertumbuhan tulang yang membuat anak menjadi bertambah tinggi.
•Menurunkan tekanan darah.
•Mencegah kerusakan gigi dan menjaga kesehatan mulut. Susu mampu mengurangi keasaman mulut, merangsang air liur, mengurangi plak dan mencegah gigi berlubang.
•Menetralisir racun seperti logam atau timah yang mungkin terkandung dalam makanan.
•Mencegah terjadinya kanker kolon atau kanker usus.
•Mencegah diabetes tipe 2.
•Mempercantik kulit, membuatnya lebih bersinar.
•Membantu agar lebih cepat tidur. Hal ini karena kandungan susu akan merangsang hormon melotonin yang akan membuat tubuh mengantuk.

Saat ini untuk menikmati susu kental manis cukup mudah diperoleh di toko products retail di Indonesia. Kebanyakan menikmati susu adalah dengan cara diminum, di toko Indonesia products retail terdapat merk-merk dan harga-harga yang bervariasi antara lain sebagai berikut :

1. Susu kental manis Bendera dari PT Frisian Flag dengan harga + Rp. 7.000,-,
2. Indomilk Rp. 6.300,- ,
3. Nestle dengan harga Rp. 6.725,-.
4. Ultra Jaya Rp. 7.325,-
5. Eenak dari PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Rp. 6.000,-

Setelah mengetahui manfaat dan mudah mendapatkannya , tidak ada alasan bagi Anda untuk tidak minum susu bukan?

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wess Ewess Ewess Bablas Angine or Orang Pintar Minum .........

In Indonesia at this time the weather was not friendly. Especially Mount Merapi is spewing out lava and volcanic ash. Rain also often go down, sometimes light rain at times heavy rain followed by strong winds. Effect of rain and wind can affect the fitness of the body. Especially the body that do not fit will be susceptible to disease, especially flu-like symptoms. The initial symptoms are headache, abdominal bloating, cold sweat, the body feels feverish, stuffy nose and muscle cramp.
Symptoms of flu in Indonesia, especially Java community commonly called Masuk Angin(Language :Indonesian).
Although not too heavy, but the above symptoms can interfere with daily activities, work had been neglected or not in accordance with the schedule as desired. In order for the above does not continue the prevention needs to be done so that there is no leading symptoms become more severe. Indonesian citizens, particularly the Javanese overcome such conditions sipping tea with warm or hot ginger drink. While the agency was given with telon oil, eucalyptus oil or anything that can warm the body. And most often done by scrapings. Scrapings are usually performed on the body such as neck, shoulders, back and waist. Or we could be in all parts of the body, except the genitals, anus, and eyeballs. Principle scrapings according to Dr. Koosnadi Saputra, Sp.R, acupuncturists clinic is the provision of excitatory outer skin, by stimulating the skin surface through the scraped, excitatory nerve receptors in the brain to deliver stimulation to improve organ effect related to the meridian points of the body such as organs lungs . And according to Dr. Handrawan Nadesul (born in Karawang, West Java, December 31, 1948), scrapings effect to be achieved is the deployment of skin blood vessels contract which was originally due to exposure to cold or lack of movement, allowing blood to flow back deras.Penambahan blood flow to the skin surface is to increase mechanisms the body's defense against attacks that virus.Sementara scrapings tools typically use a coin, coins, or special tools scrape made of plastic, bone, ceramics, jade, ginger pieces, onion pieces, and others. These tools must be blunt so as not to injure the skin. Other equipment that accompany the usual form of massage oil, ointment, cream or other types of oil that serves warm. The function is in addition to warm the oil is to lubricate the skin scrapings thus avoiding the occurrence of blisters. Various types of oil such as baby oil, ginger oil, and other oil we can get easily in the shops or stalls regular medication. But if we are lazy to go all the way or some emergency situation, it means immediate need of oil, we can use coconut oil blended with ginger, Indian galanga, lemon grass, laos, eucalyptus oil, onion, chili, and others. These materials after crushed inserted into the oil would be mixed. Mixtures of such materials is very useful because the essential oils contained in it also serves to warm the body. One thing to remember and do when it scrapings are not bathe because after the scrapings, the pores of the skin in an open condition. Better to wipe the skin with a wet cloth (dipped in warm water and squeezed).
Besides, there are also people of Indonesia after drinking herbal remedies scrapings will reject the wind. And today in retail stores starting wind Indonesian herbal remedies are sold in liquid form packaged in sachets. With the main ingredient of the plant that is Zingiberis Rhizoma, Royal Jelly, Panax Ginseng extr plus other ingredients. Jamu expel colds are widely available in retail stores, among others
1. Brand Antangin of PT Deltomed with the phrase "Wess ewess ewess bablas angine" and popularized by movie stars and comedians Basuki, adapula
2. Brand Reject Wind from PT Sido It comes with the phrase "drink smart people reject the wind" made famous movie star Sophia Lacuba and character of Dr. Renald Khasali Economic Observer, there are also
3. Brand Bintangin production of PT Bintang Seven with the phrase "want to drink a cold medicine aja kok must be smart."

Also, usually people of Indonesia in addition to scrapings as a precaution. And drinking herbal medicine to ward off colds, after three days will not recover to the doctor to consult on health conditions.

While the Europeans or Americans cope with flu-like symptoms (common cold), such as stiff, flatulence, cough, runny nose, dizziness, headache, fever, fever, etc., such as a cold drink cold medicines that can be found at drug stores after a meal hot soup, then sleep.

So how to handle cold or flu symptoms, each and every province has a ways to treat to prevent progression to severe.